Don't miss your chance to join us for another spectacular week of great sport!
Southern California's Premier Foxhunt & English Riding Club
Tejon Ranch already has an outstanding reputation of a high-class hunt and travel destination with a great equestrian center. A logical extension of this legacy was to add foxhunting to Tejon Ranch in the form of Tejon Hounds, which includes access to the Equestrian Center facility, general English riding lessons, jumping courses, a future cross country course and trail riding events to familiarize the participants with the vast Tejon Ranch landscapes. Tejon Hounds was recognized as a registered hunt with the Masters of Foxhounds Association in January of 2013 and is now one of four recognized hunts in California, allowing its members access to the tradition and pageantry of traditional English foxhunting and horsemanship in a region dominated by western riding.
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